Wednesday, July 4, 2012

D.U..ET. (a poem by Christopher Lee & Kalonia Jennings

glanced at the image of her shadow in my mind
and had never laid eyes on her

* I touch his face and kiss his lips
as he daydreams
waiting for Him to discover me
as his star

caught the faint whisper of a sweet scent
as if she had passed in the night..
she lingers there and
sweetens the back of my palate

* I leave messages of my love for him
on the winds. With strict instructions
that they stay til he closes his eyes and savors me

that familiarity is
what has me smitten
the sweetest deja vu i have ever witnessed

* So long, I have been with him
I am a memory
So long apart
I am a dream
I am always faithful

i rely on her smile
hinge my moods on her lips
dream of the cascade of
sweet serenades
that she
reads to me from Books never published
but she scribes deeply into my heart

* pen in hand
I find the words in me
I bleed from our separation
and I write those words invisible
for him to find

skin on skin on sin but what can be wrong about a dream?
a dream of
eye to eye... open gazed orgasmic expressions
never look away

* looking deeply behind his eyes
I see more than pleasure of the flesh
but, of the soul, heart and mind

I'm captivated by the faces u make 
even when u
i study movements i have never seen
she sways with a dance beneath my caress
and i
i relive ecstasy
just being in her presence

* if only I could find you
I would recount the moments
we spend together in our minds

i think
i think she would

* I would cry

and i would
starting with the smiling curve of her bottom lip
or maybe she..
maybe she would
nuzzle me with her nose
evoking a blush

* I feel so safe in my innocence
with you

or maybe i
maybe i would
urge her to an upper position and
her locs would tickle my nose

* stroking my cheeks across his beard
to create memories
listening to the sound he makes
when he shifts in his sleep

its the little things

*it's the little things

singular drop of sweat from her brow onto my lip

* the way he licks his lips and smiles

the tingle of her bangles in the summer night

* the way he holds my hand before he kisses it

the gentle,
gentle giggles elicited from
a joke whispered in private

* the gravity in his voice when he laughs

the feel of her softness...

* the feel of his strength

i want to press her into me
and take her
aura home

* I want to relax into him
and breathe deep

like she is the
master copy
and i
i wear the imprint

* he is the prototype
and I am the blueprint

we are the perfect notes to an unwritten melody
the perfect duet
yet we sing alone 


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