Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Lord Of The Flies

Lord of the Flies

Oh yea.. I know this dance
Very well
Misunderstandings misdirect missions against a misconduct
That doesn't exist
What a two step
And after promising my heart
That I would care no longer
Damn it there that bitch goes
Caught up, then playing catch up
When I really dont know the answers, shit, sometimes not even the questions..
Shit just falls apart
Names get flung to all corners
And titles immediately assigned
Lord of the Flies
Cant see the forest for the trees
So now the mole hill is mountainous
Again and
The Lord stands alone
But not in a regal way
Just kind of
Standing alone
In a human way
The words are pressing against my skull now i cant get them out fast enough
Until all explodes into a catastrophic mess
Of words and pain and tears
And confusion
And that mass eats all
Digests the hurt it once
Breaks down the reasons until they dont give a fuck anymore
The reasons dont fight long
They only kick a little bit as they fade to black
Im sure its painless
Tho I feel the numb ache for some time after
Dont even know what i want from love any more
It will devour u whole
And I will only allow i to eat
Never be eaten
Food chain be damned
Where is my throne
Let me sit again
I am the Lord
The Lord of The Flies

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

...An Idea of Love

Tends to the stripes ripped into my Life
With a Slow Hand...
Envelops my Suffering like
The Soft Glow
from a subdued Moonbeam..
Collect Starlight and
share the Sparkles from
 in order to Create
Shimmering New Stories in the Heavens..
Generations Upon Generations
Will fall in Love a million times with Our Tale
Relive our Essence..
Rebirthing Our Love
over AND over
The Eyes of Angels tear up anew
for this Creation of Ours is Legendary..
Only able to be described
Alongside the Likes of  Cleopatra and Marc Antony,
Isis and Osyrus,
 Hatshepsut and Tuthmosis..
Rah and
All Creation..
I can only hope to Live up to Her Sunshine
I wish
She would Write with Me..
Our Verse a New Baby
With a Heart of Cotton,
The Strength of Steel..
Aware of its Intent
Unwaware of the
ABsolute Feeling of Its Origin

An Evolution of Thoughts
An Idea of Love

Friday, December 27, 2013

Confessions In the Gardens of Peru

~Confessions in the Gardens of Peru~

Chris Lee:
What have we started?

Tammy LC:
I am not sure, but if not knowing feels this good, then I don't care to know.
So what do you think we've started? A fire that is out of control?
Or a fire that works its magic? Warms up our souls and leaves
traces of love at our door? What have we started?

Chris Lee:
It's a fire that warms long cold embers and reminds me of.......
The Gardens of Peru... Secret but so known to us,
but unknown as well because the expected
was wonderful, and the unexpected was solace. Where the accent of she enabled
me to close my eyes, and experience free....

Tammy LC:
The warmest fire my cold has ever witnessed. A fire that burns down despair,
and lights up a flare of sweet sounding melodies.
So tender it numbs our ears,and kidnaps our fears.
Distracts our minds with a sweet taste of wine that keeps us drunk,
high, and make us forget about the painful past and its lies.
Yes my dear, let us meet in the Gardens of Peru and continue this write.
Keep spoiling my senses and massage my inner.

Chris Lee:
Jah knows I need free. These chains have rusted around my aura,
and a film has began to overcoat my 3rd eye, and my heart
denies my soul it's existence, and my interior is so very empty.
Somehow I still smell your scent on my emotions,
and the bonds begin to loosen.

Tammy LC:
Yes, I want to lead you to my free, and nurture your flee.
For those dark and lonely cuffs that has you in shackles
by the pain of a tree. My scent finally caught
up with emotions of your possess.

Chris Lee:
I want to learn your body like an intricate acoustic guitar,
and then, play the Melody back to your soul.

Tammy LC:
I long to play your unique bolt and become that part of your inner rock star.

Chris Lee:
We've allowed room for error, but nearly reached perfection, a wonderful opera
of words and tales and you. And I and ambition, an ambition for what you hold only
stated by the smell of your hair against my chest in the morn.

Tammy LC:
I will gently rock each beat that your beautiful soul releases with each
string that carries the flame of your love beat.
I will award your spirit in my write. With each chapter I feel
your being inside of each vein that forces me to press
out some more love instead. Red becomes my ink now, from love,
life, and harmony. Yes baby, let us continue
the tone that is marked with melodies of my mental seduce of pure ecstasy.

Chris Lee:
Why do you open up to me? Your words and motions and moans
surpass even the brilliant colors and hues of all the crayola boxes
in the world, as if they were all emptied onto this table,
and that couch and yonder bed, and yonder bed.
The window closed tightly. You seduce me by the slitted light
passing thru the blinds. Your very touch like the fire fueled
by the Vulcan to forge me into a weapon of the purest ecstasy,
and caused senses to erupt in me that had long lain dormant.
  Who are you? You wonderfully brown Angel.
Your lips carved from the cliffs of living
mountains  and then softened by the trials of love... to match my kiss...
Your voice whispered into a conch shell, and then tempered for
ages and pressed into the sounds of your laughter.

Tammy LC:
I am the one that your heart demanded. I am the one that your
soul commanded to be. That raw pure truth that your life deserves in me.
Submerged no more. Only sustain, and love gain is accumulating
inside of your no more locked door.
I am sent from within yourself. You dreamed me,
and made me your reality of your wish come true, eternity.

Chris Lee:
Your eyes... borrowed from the design of Isis herself,
and consigned to your body to gaze upon my melting heart.
Are you the secret? The sweet Garden of Peru?

Tammy LC:
Wake up, you're not dreaming anymore. I breathe, I bleed,
and each beat in my beats is the reality of me. I'm your real.
To not be awake would mean that you are missing my passing thru.
For passing the truth would be a crime inflicted by false denies of not
claiming what is rightfully mine. Wait, rightfully yours,
because love behind glass will deny you the view to the windows
of my heaven. Find your truth, and stare at me.
I am your confession in the beautiful Garden of Peru~

© 2013 Chris Lee & Tammy Lisa Carmen (Tammy LC)

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

D.U..ET. (a poem by Christopher Lee & Kalonia Jennings

glanced at the image of her shadow in my mind
and had never laid eyes on her

* I touch his face and kiss his lips
as he daydreams
waiting for Him to discover me
as his star

caught the faint whisper of a sweet scent
as if she had passed in the night..
she lingers there and
sweetens the back of my palate

* I leave messages of my love for him
on the winds. With strict instructions
that they stay til he closes his eyes and savors me

that familiarity is
what has me smitten
the sweetest deja vu i have ever witnessed

* So long, I have been with him
I am a memory
So long apart
I am a dream
I am always faithful

i rely on her smile
hinge my moods on her lips
dream of the cascade of
sweet serenades
that she
reads to me from Books never published
but she scribes deeply into my heart

* pen in hand
I find the words in me
I bleed from our separation
and I write those words invisible
for him to find

skin on skin on sin but what can be wrong about a dream?
a dream of
eye to eye... open gazed orgasmic expressions
never look away

* looking deeply behind his eyes
I see more than pleasure of the flesh
but, of the soul, heart and mind

I'm captivated by the faces u make 
even when u
i study movements i have never seen
she sways with a dance beneath my caress
and i
i relive ecstasy
just being in her presence

* if only I could find you
I would recount the moments
we spend together in our minds

i think
i think she would

* I would cry

and i would
starting with the smiling curve of her bottom lip
or maybe she..
maybe she would
nuzzle me with her nose
evoking a blush

* I feel so safe in my innocence
with you

or maybe i
maybe i would
urge her to an upper position and
her locs would tickle my nose

* stroking my cheeks across his beard
to create memories
listening to the sound he makes
when he shifts in his sleep

its the little things

*it's the little things

singular drop of sweat from her brow onto my lip

* the way he licks his lips and smiles

the tingle of her bangles in the summer night

* the way he holds my hand before he kisses it

the gentle,
gentle giggles elicited from
a joke whispered in private

* the gravity in his voice when he laughs

the feel of her softness...

* the feel of his strength

i want to press her into me
and take her
aura home

* I want to relax into him
and breathe deep

like she is the
master copy
and i
i wear the imprint

* he is the prototype
and I am the blueprint

we are the perfect notes to an unwritten melody
the perfect duet
yet we sing alone 


Thursday, April 12, 2012


eyes of brown sugar backed by
a smile of blue
she sought
continuity of curvature
to speak without the utterance of one sound
but i heard every word
all the makings of
a classic
beauty by
mine own standards
  • she defined purpose in her stance

  • others reveled in the obvious

  • and i

  • longed for what was

  • deeper

  • my

  • mind was tickled and giggled at

  • reasonings that filled her that

  • soared above the minds of the average

  • i was awed

  • she wasnt impressed

  • "its just me"

  • she said

  • as i

  • marveled at the caramel simmering

  • beneath

  • this fleshy kettle of fire

  • and traced lines with invisible fingers

    that merely started at her legs

    and ended at infinity

    so it is unneccesary to comment


    the caress is forever

    rooted to both earth and man by locs of Queendom

    and the heart by sincereity

    and the eyes by a smile of blue

    an unshakable essence

    she possessed

    that i wished to bottle

    but who can bottle the spirit that is free



    what intrigued ur mind from Genesis


    returning her smile to blue

    i pray that if i were to be haunted

    she would be my tormentor


    if i were to be blessed

    she would don the wings

    of my

    guardian angel

    locs of wool caressing the

    side of my cheek as

    eyes meet and

    lips contact

    and meld into

    this sweat inducing dream

    i smell her breathing
    i feel her cry
    i arise
    who arrives
    i came before i went
    fight the feeling i must the desire to

    crush the memory of this nymph into my soul
    she is forever etched there and
    i have never


    than the 

    of she with the smile of blue

Saturday, March 24, 2012

..In regard to my search for the perfect sunset

I think she probably scribed

the most perfect lines across the crown of the sky

that I had ever seen

Shining light into the lowest valleys and

Burning the glades and their shade with a

Quiet brilliance

Even thru her haze she managed to illuminate

other dark days

And with subtleness show us all another way

She Darkened my melanin and showed me ways to be a black man


She reminded me of my mother

Warming cool days and making things alright again

or At least to endurable for now

I watched her pursue her dream as she settled in the west every night.

Oft i dreamed of pursuing her but

she ran too swiftly along her track

So far away she would wander

I wondered if she would come back..

Alas for the wings of Nike

I would give a jewel

To follow just once

But in my 3rd eye I knew only a God

could look in her eye

I half-human

So every eve I would pray her vision not see tears

as I sit along the coast of the Pacific and

watch her explode into arrays of amazing color..

reaching out

as if she were rubbing my hand to say

"Maybe one day

Never is always worse than late

Who knows what sayeth the Fates.."

And if not for this human and weak body

I would sit forever on this beach


but happily regret

My failure to capture

The perfect sunset

Chris Lee



Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Waltz Of The Colors PT.1 (a dynamic Collaboration of Emotion) designed byChelleBell/WreckAB

warmed me up like the 1st day of spring ,

She surprised I in her Sunshine State,
Wish to know flowers
Wish to know hours on end enveloped in
And I

Just He and I
his hand over the small of my back
hands playing in his locs,
mind is on one thing,
staying in the moment with this King
his diary,
whispered to me all his pain and defeat
no tears
just ink
flowing with each word
gently caressing

into the hold
of her soul,
wanted me to see
wanted familiarity with
Longed for the dance
Shared In Our Minds
was so inevitable

kiss his words...
making this dance sacred
his thoughts
from pain and defeat
conquer and retreat
...the pace of this dance
moves a little
faster than before
....phrases forming
my ears
yearning for me....
i will never tell
express it all to

had body
I gave SHE curves,
the stanzas
in verse
all care to the wind ..
all whispers silent
.. blanket my private
... intuition with ur
sultry essence
the inkletting

don't bend unless it BE
to the will of this
sexy serenade of the pens...
like I never knew how like
I never was able
insects of men she has made
but ME
she made KING??
Grateful to the offering..
pauper in the inkwell,
until her
thoughts sex with mine..

feelin some kinda way
feel the rhythm of my strokes,

its like being the
yellow, red or green crayon
in the crayon box..
im stuck like glue...
to be peeled off the palms of school kids